National Anti-Doping Policy Update

Judo Australia National Anti-Doping Policy has been amended this is effective from 10th August 2020, Please see below for links and all information.

Covid-19 Sport up-date Return to play Qld

To our sport and recreation stakeholders, Today the Return to Play Advisory Group (comprised of experts and representation across sport, recreation and fitness sectors and Queensland Health) met to discuss the impact of positive COVID-19 cases in Queensland.

HEY Sport it's almost R U OK day September 10, 2020

Be the Coach that asks R U OK? # makeadifference, There is more to say than just R U O.K. Thursday 10 September, will focus on building confidence and skills so people know how to keep the conversations going with someone in their life who is struggling See all links below

Judo Qld Sporting Code Policy for Running Events (Draft Approved)

Building on the Judo Australia Sporting Code the Judo Queensland Sporting Code now provides additional guidance on, among other things: Sanctioning process, 6 types of competitions offered in Qld A more defined set of roles for competition management #beyourbest

Covid Safe Activity plan for clubs - return to play.

Returning to the Mat for 'Judo' please ensure your club has filled out this Covid-safe return to play document, once completed return to you will be issued a certificate and Statement of compliance. #Letsgojudoagain2020

Judo Australia announcement Nationals 2020

Following the Postponement of the 2020 National Championships in June, Judo Australia is still considering the feasibility of holding this event in late 2020. A decision will be announced in late August. - Watch this space.

Eye Guide Australia 10 Second eye test

According to material provided, “EyeGuide is a product that does a 10 second eye test to assess brain wellness, used in the sporting sector to help better manage concussions by providing a simple, objective and affordable test that can be integrated into the SCAT process.” See below for link.

Hey Sport R U OK Be the Coach that asks R U O.K.?

Hey Sport, R U OK? is for all participants, officials, administrators and supporters across the grass roots sporting community the campaign is designed to complement existing efforts through buiding an RU O.K.? Culture, full article below. and link to R U O.K?

Covid Safe Industry Plan, Indoor Sports

Important for all Clubs. this week the Premier and Minister for Trade announced an updated Roadmap to easing Queensland's restrictions. Please read below from Judo Qld Chair and JQ Board

Up-dated Roadmap for Easing of Restrictions

As you are aware yesterday the Premier and Minister for Trade has announced an updated Roadmap to easing Qld restrictions. From 12:00 Noon Friday the 3rd of July, see below for more information