Active Clubs funding

Published Mon 21 Oct 2019

Active Clubs

Active Clubs provides funding of up to $2,000 for either equipment or training to local and regional sport and active recreation organisations delivering physical activity throughout Queensland.

Key dates for round 1

17 October 2019 - Applications open
15 November 2019 - Applications close at 5.00pm
31 January 2020 - Approved projects can begin (subject to receipt of approval letter and terms and conditions)
31 January 2021 - Projects must be completed


  • It appears there will be 2 rounds per financial year and you can only apply ONCE every 2 rounds.
  • You still need to be registered in and apply through the Sport and Rec Portal
  • Although I haven't been able to preview the form yet, from the guidelines I am assuming it will be similar to the Get Going application form from 2018. 


What you can receive funding for
Funding of up to $2,000 (GST Exclusive) is available. The total project cost can exceed $2,000 however, your organisation has to pay the difference.

Your organisation can only apply for equipment or training under one category, either:
  • On field support to help deliver quality physical activity experiences
  • Off field support to improve your ability to manage the organisation.
The department will prioritise projects that support on field delivery of quality physical activity experiences over those that provide off field support to manage an organisation.

When selecting projects, they may also consider:
  • projects that promote inclusion for key groups of Queenslanders who may experience greater barriers to physical activity e.g. people who live in socio-economically disadvantaged areas
  • distribution of funding across sport and active recreation activities
  • distribution of funding throughout Queensland based on the location of the organisation.
For example:

On field support
  • equipment to improve the quality or safety of physical activity experiences (including balls, bats, racquets, helmets, batting pads, goal post padding)
  • resources or technology to support coaching staff in the delivery physical activity (including coaching manuals/aids, software)
  • equipment or training to support inclusion for key groups of Queenslanders (modified equipment, cultural capability training)
  • coach/official/instructor education and accreditation
Off-field support
  • office equipment/software to assist organisations with financial/administration management
  • governance, financial or volunteer management training/courses/conferences
What will not be funded
  • canteen and white goods
  • capital works or fixed structures (e.g. shade sails, stands and signs)
  • catering/food purchases
  • discreet consultancy without any education or training for the organisation (e.g. developing a strategic plan/grant application or administration fees)
  • feasibility studies or research
  • individual membership or participation fees
  • individual uniforms given to participants
  • maintenance of existing equipment
  • your organisation’s normal operating costs, employment or administration costs
  • prizes, giveaways, alcohol, recognition items, merchandise
  • wages of ongoing or seasonal nature (e.g. paid coaches)
  • participation programs.